Theater Education

Camp Shakespeare

Camp Shakespeare is a comedy for teenaged students.

A high school quarterback must go to summer camp to please his coach, only to discover that it's a theater camp and all the other students are female. While two bizarre instructors and a group of unruly girls are enough to drive him crazy, his letters to his parents reveal a strange change of attitude. The climax features a tongue-in-cheek rendition of "Romeo and Juliet" that becomes a battleground as football players unexpectedly crash the performance, led by their coach. Before the curtain falls, merry plot twists reveal some startling surprises.

Three versions available: 60 minutes with 8M, 8F 45 minutes with 8M, 8F 45 minutes with 5M, 7F Royalties and playwright appearance negotiable. Minimal set: interior and exterior areas of stage, each with a couple pieces.

Praise for Camp Shakespeare

  • "It was a tremendous success for the students who premiered the show. From the first reading to the final performance, they enjoyed and were comfortable with the witty dialogue and fast-paced scenes."

    The Georgetown Times
  • "...hope that the play inspires a lifelong love of acting and theater. If any play would be the one to do that, it would be this one."

    The Coastal Observer
  • "Camp Shakespeare was a tremendous success at WHS. The students overwhelmed the audience with their humor and drama skills. A most entertaining and fun evening was enjoyed by all. Thanks Mr. Paxton for sharing your play with our students."

    Jerry Hughes, Assistant Principal, Waccamaw High

Praise for Camp Shakespeare

  • Mindy Mae was fun...her character is completely opposite of mine...The play overall was a hit with the high school audience.

    Patricia aCasey, cast member, age 15
  • Camp Shakespeare and interesting. It added a nice twist to the typical jock character. My character, Wilhelmina, was the normal snot...all about fashion, but still fun to play...and fun for everyone to watch.

    Tosha Crabtree, cast member, age 16
  • Camp Shakespeare had instant appeal for our drama class. The characters remained interesting and engaging from the first rehearsal through the final performance, and the play was quite adaptable for simple staging. It ids suitable for all audiences. Greg Paxton has a gift for creating teen characters and dialogue that appeals to all - please give us more!

    Suzanne Young, director, WHS Drama Department
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