
Southern Comfort

"Southern Comfort" is an edgy Southern Gothic murder mystery reminiscent of the films, theater and literature of Tennessee Williams. It's a homage to Williams' greatness that's played for over-the-top, campy laughs.

His classic characters are transformed into Big Daddy Stollitt, the vicious patriarch; the Angel of Mendacity with her sarcasm; Maggie the Kitty, who has a stuffed cat menagerie; Bric-a-brac, the tortured southern gentlemen with a penchant for cocktails and his athletic friend Skippy; Stanley Mouthowski, the loud-mouthed schemer; Blanche Du Bonkers, the poetic and delusional escapee from the sanitarium; Chauncey Raines, a dense but ambitious handyman; Paulo Gigalioni, the money hungry ladies man; and Doll Baby, the nymphet wife.

This show has been performed for sponsors and venues such as the Rock Hill Community Performance Center, York County Arts Council, City of Lancaster, USC/Lancaster campus, Tega Cay Country Club, and Lions Club of York County.

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